2015 恐怖片 日本
从少女轻小说到恐怖故事均有涉猎的女性作家(竹内结子 饰),在过去的半年里一直应邀为某杂志撰写短篇怪谈。她的故事均来自读者投稿的个人经历,其中有一位女孩的投稿让她卷入了难以想象的恐怖深渊。女孩(桥本爱
2015 恐怖片 菲律宾
Nilalang is about an NBI agent who teams up with an heiress to a transnational organized crime syndicate in Japan to put a stop to the centuries molikan.com old curse that may be responsible for the spate of serial killings happening in Manila.