2005 爱情片 中国大陆
2005 爱情片 台湾
东京 尧远(陈柏林饰)从台湾来到东京深造,梦想是成为电脑动画师。但是苦于没有灵感,创作枯燥。一天在大街上偶遇一个浑身散发着哀戚气息的女子,尧远对她一见倾心。女子是年轻的画家美智子,最近正在遭逢失恋的痛
2005 爱情片 德国
Leslie lives with her son Jonas and figures it’s about time for an improvement in their lives. The kid’s father is gone, she’s ready to hang up her crummy waitress job and acting school isn’t bringing in any cash. Leslie can’t even pay the rent but the la
2005 爱情片 德国
Leslie lives with her son Jonas and figures it’s about time for an improvement in their lives. The kid’s father is gone, she’s ready to hang up her crummy waitress job and acting school isn’t bringing in any cash. Leslie can’t even pay the rent but the la